The MConference event system we have developed gives you the opportunity to register and sell tickets for your event directly. This makes the whole process run smoothly, without the need to send emails and reply to messages. You gain valuable time, and registration, sales and customer service all happen without your physical involvement. Literally 3 steps separate an interested person from becoming a participant in your event.


It is only up to you whether you make your event registration a one-step or a two-step process. If you choose the second option, the customer will first register for the event and only after the organiser has approved it will they be able to register and pay for their ticket.

The registration form can include everything you need to achieve your goals.

Here is sample information:

  • first name, surname
  • name of your company / institution
  • e-mail address
  • telephone number

Do you want to obtain detailed data about the participant? We will add fields to make this possible, e.g:

  • position in the company
  • information on how the person found out about the event
  • a link to your website/social media profile
  • space to write a few words about yourself

Are you interested in customised knowledge? You have unlimited space in the form and can ask about, among other things:

  • your dietary preferences (if a meal is planned)
  • need to book overnight accommodation
  • need for an invoice
  • and many other important organisational questions.


The participant can choose the payment method from the options you decide on as the organiser. The ticket for the event can be paid for:

  • by traditional bank transfer,
  • by quick payment: PayU, Przelewy24, DotPay, Paynow, PayPal, TPay, iMoje, Cinkciarz.

If this is your wish, we will also integrate other account deposit systems.

It is worth remembering that in the case of a traditional transfer, it is necessary to confirm the payment manually in the administration panel. The quick payment method, on the other hand, is carried out automatically: the money goes to an account dedicated to the event and the confirmation comes straight to the participant. The only thing you need to take care of before the event is the contract with the fast payment service provider.

Discount codes are also available. If you decide, as the event organiser, to make discounts available on the starting price, the participant can use them before the transaction is finalised.


The MKonference event system independently generates invoices for those who need them. In this way, the responsibility of billing participants for their participation in the event is carried out without the organiser's involvement. All you need to do is set up the correct document numbering in the system. Integration with Fakturownia is also available.


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